ドローン事業を展開する株式会社スペースワン(郡山市<福島県>)は2月21日、同社の小林康宏(みちひろ)代表の著書、『海の産業革命 水中ドローンビジネスの教科書』の出版記念イベントを都内で開催した。書籍には水中ドローンの概要、活用例、ビジネスの構築法などをまとめてある。小林代表があいさつの中で書籍の概要を説明したほか、国立研究開発法人海洋研究開発機構(JAMSTEC)の吉田弘氏、PwCコンサルティング合同会社の南政樹氏が講演した。関係先や産官学各層の来場者が講演に耳を傾け、交流を繰り広げた。







出版記念キャンペーン展開中 無料贈呈も


出版した『海の産業革命 水中ドローンビジネスの教科書』はA5版、ソフトカバーの単行本で224ページ。定価は1800円+税。スペースワンが運営するAIR OCEANオンラインストアで購入できる。また出版を記念して期間限定のキャンペーンを展開中だ。224ページある書籍のダイジェスト版をPDFで無料進呈するほか、申込者の中から抽選で200人に書籍そのものをプレゼントするという。キャンペーンページはこちら。


SPACEONE Co.,Ltd (Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture), which operates a drone business, held an event in Tokyo on February 21 to commemorate the publication of “The Industrial Revolution of the Sea: A Textbook for Underwater Drone Business,” a book by Michihiro Kobayashi, the company’s representative. The book includes an overview of underwater drones, examples of their use, and methods for building a business. Representative Kobayashi gave an overview of the book in his opening remarks, while Hiroshi Yoshida of the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) and Masaki Minami of PwC Consulting, LLC gave lectures. Visitors from related parties and all levels of industry, government, and academia listened to the lectures and engaged in exchanges.

Minami: “Active use of data is the desired future of ROV”

Opening the event, Mr. Kobayashi touched on the history of SPACEONE’s business and its involvement with underwater drones, saying, “We have accumulated knowledge during the period of the COVID-19 disaster, and we have incorporated this knowledge into the book.

Mr Hiroshi Yoshida of JAMSTEC, gave a lecture titled “Activities of Drones under Sea Ice,” describing his experience using underwater drones to observe under the ice in the Arctic. During his lecture, he picked up a book and introduced it as “an excellent book that covers everything you need to know.

Masaki Minami, Senior Manager of PwC Consulting, LLC, spoke on “Underwater Drones and Data Business,” explaining that underwater drones are expected to play an important role in collecting data that will serve as the foundation for AI as the use of AI expands rapidly in the future, and that creating wisdom from the data collected will lead to excellent business value.

Mr. Minami asked, “If we consider that generative AI will bring about innovations like the ‘wind blows and the bucket shop gets rich,’ what do you think will happen? The possibility will arise that generative AI will utilize a variety of data, including seemingly unrelated ones, to create new value that we would not expect. Technology is advancing and people can do more, but if we do not use it not only to replace human tasks but also to create new value, we may face a situation that makes it difficult for us to continue our business. Therefore, the abundance of good quality data will help us seize the next opportunity. In that sense, I see proactive data utilization as one of the peek-a-boo futures for underwater drones.” He continued, “We are looking forward to the next opportunity to use data actively.

After the session, a social gathering was held with the participants.

If you win, you’ll get a copy of ROV’s book!

SPACEONE entered the ROV business after encountering underwater drones at CES exhibition. SPACEONE is now engaged in the ROV business in earnest because Japan is the world’s sixth largest oceanic power with a combined exclusive economic zone and territorial waters of 4.47 million square kilometers, and the fourth largest in terms of sedimentation, including depth, and because it is expected to be used in many industries in the future. SPACEONE is currently developing its ROV business by selling ROV equipment, providing support for companies to install ROV equipment, training personnel to use ROVs, and operating ROVs in the field for structural inspections and marine surveys.

SPACEONE’s publication, “Industrial Revolution in the Sea: A Textbook for Underwater Drone Business,” is an A5 size, softcover book with 224 pages. The text is written in Japanese. The price is 1,800 yen plus tax. The book is available at the AIR OCEAN online store operated by Space One at SPACEPNE is also running a limited time campaign until March 6, Japan time. If you sign up, you will receive a digest version of the 224-page book in PDF format. Two hundred lucky applicants will also be entered into a drawing to win a free copy of the actual book. CLICK HERE for the campaign page.

あいさつする小林康宏代表 / CEO Michihiro Kobayashi addressing the audience
講演するJAMSTECの吉田氏 / Mr. Yoshida of JAMSTEC speaking
講演するPwCコンサルティングの南氏 / Mr. Minami of PwC Consulting during his speech



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